June Tan
Post Doc
June’s PhD work in the Fraser lab focused on using large-scale datasets to study how various splicing factors regulate alternative splicing events in C. elegans. She is continuing this work as a post-doc in the lab, trying to understand the functional relevance of developmentally-regulated alternative splicing events— specifically, in genes that are crucial for maintaining structural integrity in the worm. She now also spend her days drugging worms with the rest of the lab, and is particularly interested in studying the transgenerational effects of different drug treatments and growth environments.
Rhodoquinone biosynthesis in C. elegans requires precursors generated by the kynurenine pathway.
Del Borrello S, Lautens M, Dolan K, Tan JH, Davie T, Schertzberg MR, Spensley MA, Caudy AA, Fraser AG.
Elife. 2019 Jun 24;8. pii: e48165.
EPIC: software toolkit for elution profile-based inference of protein complexes.
Hu LZ, Goebels F, Tan JH, Wolf E, Kuzmanov U, Wan C, Phanse S, Xu C, Schertzberg M, Fraser AG, Bader GD, Emili A.
Nat Methods. 2019 Aug;16(8):737-742.
The combinatorial control of alternative splicing in C. elegans.
Tan JH, Fraser AG.
PLoS Genet. 2017 Nov 9;13(11):e1007033.