Michael Schertzberg
Lab Manager
Mike is a highly collaborative member of the Fraser lab, and is involved in several small projects, including bioinformatics of WGS samples to identify mutations with the Roy, Derry, and Rienke labs at U of T. Mike spends most of his time using CRISPR to generate gfp reporters and precise mutations in C. elegans lines, supporting the research of several other members of the Fraser Lab.
SELECTED Publications
Rhodoquinone biosynthesis in C. elegans requires precursors generated by the kynurenine pathway.
Del Borrello S, Lautens M, Dolan K, Tan JH, Davie T, Schertzberg MR, Spensley MA, Caudy AA, Fraser AG.
Elife. 2019 Jun 24;8. pii: e48165.
EPIC: software toolkit for elution profile-based inference of protein complexes.
Hu LZ, Goebels F, Tan JH, Wolf E, Kuzmanov U, Wan C, Phanse S, Xu C, Schertzberg M, Fraser AG, Bader GD, Emili A.
Nat Methods. 2019 Aug;16(8):737-742.
A conserved CCM complex promotes apoptosis non-autonomously by regulating zinc homeostasis.
Chapman EM, Lant B, Ohashi Y, Yu B, Schertzberg M, Go C, Dogra D, Koskimäki J, Girard R, Li Y, Fraser AG, Awad IA, Abdelilah-Seyfried S, Gingras AC, Derry WB.
Nat Commun. 2019 Apr 17;10(1):1791.
The novel nematicide wact-86 interacts with aldicarb to kill nematodes.
Burns AR, Bagg R, Yeo M, Luciani GM, Schertzberg M, Fraser AG, Roy PJ.
PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2017 Apr 5;11(4):e0005502.
Natural Variation in Gene Expression Modulates the Severity of Mutant Phenotypes.
Vu V, Verster AJ, Schertzberg M, Chuluunbaatar T, Spensley M, Pajkic D, Hart GT, Moffat J, Fraser AG.
Cell. 2015 Jul 16;162(2):391-402.
Caenorhabditis elegans is a useful model for anthelmintic discovery.
Burns AR, Luciani GM, Musso G, Bagg R, Yeo M, Zhang Y, Rajendran L, Glavin J, Hunter R, Redman E, Stasiuk S, Schertzberg M, Angus McQuibban G, Caffrey CR, Cutler SR, Tyers M, Giaever G, Nislow C, Fraser AG, MacRae CA, Gilleard J, Roy PJ.
Nat Commun. 2015 Jun 25;6:7485.
Timing of transcriptional quiescence during gametogenesis is controlled by global histone H3K4 demethylation.
Xu M, Soloveychik M, Ranger M, Schertzberg M, Shah Z, Raisner R, Venkatasubrahmanyan S, Tsui K, Gebbia M, Hughes T, van Bakel H, Nislow C, Madhani HD, Meneghini MD.
Dev Cell. 2012 Nov 13;23(5):1059-71.
Mike is an avid landscape and nature photographer in his spare time, his photography work can be seen here: