Taylor Davie
PhD Student
Taylor works to design forward genetic screens to identify the targets of small molecules and the genes that modulate their responses in C. elegans. While genetic screens of this nature have traditionally used chronic exposure as a target phenotype, there are many cases where these conventional assays have failed to identify resistant mutants. Since work in the Fraser lab has shown that many small molecules can act very rapidly and elicit complex acute responses, Taylor is interested in exploring if the genes that underlie these acute effects can offer new insights into the modes of action of small molecules – particularly those with anthelmintic potential.
Rhodoquinone biosynthesis in C. elegans requires precursors generated by the kynurenine pathway.
Del Borrello S, Lautens M, Dolan K, Tan JH, Davie T, Schertzberg MR, Spensley MA, Caudy AA, Fraser AG.
Elife. 2019 Jun 24;8. pii: e48165.
Education History
H.BSc : University of Toronto